Catalina Island Conservancy

A nonprofit organization

Founded as a non-profit in 1972, the Catalina Island Conservancy protects 88% of Catalina Island, one of the largest natural areas in the state of California. This includes more than 62 miles of beautiful coastline and more than 60 species of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth.

Just a short trip from the urban centers of the mainland, Catalina offers an accessible location for all to be immersed in nature and cultural history. Catalina Island is a living laboratory to explore local ecology and learn about indigenous culture and recent human history. We recognize learning to coexist with natural spaces and conserve our most delicate ecosystems is critical for a sustainable future. To foster this understanding, the Conservancy is committed to creating personally relevant opportunities to engage and learn more about the Island's natural and cultural history. We design our learning experiences to stimulate curiosity, make connections and foster appreciation for the unique ecology and history of the Island. We believe these connections support interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) learning and highlight the Island as learning place that welcomes all.


Parent and Teacher Responses to the Conservancy's Education Programs:
"NatureWorks provides specialized information and accessibility to Catalina Island. This information is important, special and unique."

"Having a program that is outside of the class… broadens the students' understanding of themselves in the place they live."

"NatureWorks gives the students a chance to experience parts of nature that they would normally not be able to."

"This year's fourth grade Island Scholars were absolutely awe-inspiring. They were attentive and respectful in nature whether we were watching the annual fox trapping, analyzing native plants, or simply silencing the group to listen to a nearby stream. I can't wait to see what that group of nature lovers will do!"

"[Biomimicry] is a high level concept and the [first grade] students never cease to amaze me with their creativity. It is incredible to hear their ideas and to think of them later going into a field like engineering where they can continue to use nature as a model for inventions"

And from Students:
"Thank you for showing the beauty of nature in all of its forms"
"The learning experience definitely has made an impact on how I think about animals"


The Conservancy's mission is to be an exemplary steward of Island resources through a balance of conservation, education, and recreation.

Organization Data


Organization name

Catalina Island Conservancy

Tax id (EIN)



320 Golden Shore Suite 220
Long Beach, CA 90802