Advocacy for Respect and Choice - Long Beach, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

At AR&C Long Beach, our consumers participate in 1 of our 4 programs: Special Needs Community Inclusion Program, Senior (50+) Program, Vocational Training Program, and our Supported Employment Program.

Our Community Inclusion Program provides individuals activities that help improve their independent living skills while enriching their lives. These activities are designed to help promote self-advocacy, independence, and competency in a variety of areas effecting their everyday lives. All activities are individualized and promote inclusion in the greater community.

Our Senior (50+) Program also provides our consumers with activities designed to help improve their independent and daily living skills. This program caters to our senior population and the activities are designed with their specific needs in mind. These activities take place both on site at our facility and in the community.

Our Vocational Training program serves our population that has hopes of employment in their future. In this program we are teaching our individuals life skills and job skills that are designed to help them not only attain competitive integrated employment but to maintain employment and thrive in their career. The individuals in this program attend daily and participate in activities mainly in the community.

Our Supported Employment Program secures paid employment for individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and provides job training and supports while on the job. Our consumers have found employment with various businesses in and around the Long Beach area, including Long Beach Memorial Hospital, the Aquarium of the Pacific as well as other independent businesses in the area.


"AR&C Long Beach means that I am part of one big happy family. They take care of their clients and staff. Since joining AR&C Long Beach I have seen many improvements in myself. I have come out of my shell more and talk to many more people."
-Tina Probasco - Supported Employment Consumer & Staff

"AR&C Long Beach is a company that trains and builds skills and confidence for those that say they can't do something, but deep down AR&C knows they can. AR&C will help you find a job out in the community and build your skills. Since joining AR&C Long Beach I have come a long way. I started out working in a workshop, then progressed to working in a janitorial department, I had an opportunity to then work in a hospital, and now I am working in an office where I can greet people and treat them with love and respect."
-Marvin Ceasar - Supported Employment Consumer

"AR&C Long Beach helps consumers find a job anywhere that can help me pursue my dreams. The staff are all very helpful to the consumers and show them how to get a job. The consumers are much happier when they find a job with the help of the staff."
-Jennifer Palacios - Vocational Training Program Consumer


AR&C Long Beach is a private non-profit organization in Long Beach that provides services to over 300 adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities in activities of daily living, vocational training, employment development and job retention. By emphasizing each person's abilities, we promote competence and self-sufficiency, while also respecting each person's right to choose from a full array of service options designed to meet their individual needs.

Organization Data


Organization name

Advocacy for Respect and Choice - Long Beach, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)


Operating Budget

Large ($1,000,000+)

Mission Category

Individuals with Special Needs

City Council District

District 4


4519 E. Stearns
Long Beach, CA 90815