Century Villages at Cabrillo

A nonprofit organization

In collaboration with 30 community partners, other services include primary medical services for children and adults, childcare and early childhood education, substance abuse counseling, health and wellness workshops, workforce development, and occupational therapy to create a robust continuum of services that facilitate each resident's journey to housing stability and greater independence.

Your donations will allow our organization to continue:
1) to ensure that residents remain successfully and stably housed, and
2) to provide access to the support, resources, and services that they need to accomplish housing stability while taking steps toward greater independence and self-sufficiency.

This past year, 98% of all individuals, Veterans and families in permanent supportive housing remained in stable housing for at least 12 months. (85% is the Benchmark of success per the Home for Good Standards of Excellence). Also, 64% of CVC residents exited from transitional/emergency housing into permanent housing (40% is the benchmark of success per the Home for Good Standards of Excellence). In fact, CVC's continuum of affordable supporting housing provides opportunities for residents to save significant monthly sums that otherwise would be paid to private landlords.

Apart from ensuring a safe and affordable place to live for our residents, we took a step further and established a scholarship in memory of our colleague Tim O'Connell to help recognize the academic achievements of promising young Village residents. In 2022, we awarded six shining stars with $1,000 to continue their education and careers.

CVC takes in the lead in serving as a steward, manager, and coordinator for the 27 acre community. CVC creates the physical and social conditions where collaborating programs can succeed in overcoming homelessness. As a social enterprise, CVC engages in property management, real estate development, and community development activities, all uniformly geared around the vision of breaking the cycle of homelessness.

CVC began to directly deliver services in 2012 so that residents could access the skills, tools, and services needed for self-sufficiency. Today, services include intensive case management for those residents with a diagnosis of mental illness or other special needs; case management for residents requiring referrals to public benefits and community resources; youth and family services; community development and engagement opportunities; and health and wellness programs. All services are evidence-based or evidence-informed and trauma-informed.


Resident's Success story:
Traci believes the environment and staff at CVC have helped her maintain her sobriety and even pursue long-term goals, like going back to school. "They really try hard to help us-their whole meaning in life is to help us", Traci says.

"I try to stay positive, which can be hard when you've been homeless. But I completely love where I live", says David. Today, David is retired and enjoying hobbies he's long held, including playing drums and bass. "I have friends over, I watch the storms come in from the ocean from my fifth-floor apartment", he says.

In fact, many of our residents go out of their way to make their communities a better place to live.


Century Villages at Cabrillo operates exceptional, affordable

housing so that the people we serve might have a

dignified home and a healthy and hopeful future, and

attain economic independence

Organization Data


Organization name

Century Villages at Cabrillo

Tax id (EIN)


Operating Budget

Large ($1,000,000+)

Mission Category

Housing & Homelessness, Social Services

City Council District

District 7


2001 River Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90810

Service areas

Los Angeles County, CA, US

Long Beach, CA, US



Social Media