Fillipino Migrant Center

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$4,000 Goal

For over 14 years, the Filipino Migrant Center has worked to address the needs of low-income Filipinos in Long Beach and Carson but has since expanded to serve throughout Southern California. We are a Filipino immigrant-led organization who aims to educate, organize, and mobilize low-income, working class Filipino families.

This year we’ve been able to: 

  • Open a new community center in West Long Beach to better serve the Filipino community throughout Southern California

  • Support survivors of anti-Asian hate crimes through campaigns and advocacy work. We also hosted community film screenings and discussions to continue to educate, organize, and advocate for different efforts around the Organize to Stop Anti-Asian Hate Campaign

  • Conduct monthly leadership development, education, and cultural programming for workers. Provide support for human trafficking survivors, including legal assistance, services, and family reunification.

  • Conduct leadership development workshops and media training for high school and college-aged youth

  • Launch the Ating Kalusugan, Ating Komunidad (Our Health, Our Community) health series to address the needs of the Filipino community as a response to the Long Beach Filipino Community Needs Assessment.

  • Provide free health education and resources

  • Partner with ORALE, United Cambodian Community, and other community organizations around the Long Beach Justice Fund, working to meet the needs of immigrants in the city 

  • Work with other organizations around the U.S. to launch the Filipino American Agenda to uplift the concerns and issues of Filipinos both locally and on a national scale 


“I want other workers to know not only about our victory but also about the hardships and struggles that we faced. We must learn that if we do not make a decision and take action, we will remain in the same condition forever, and nothing will change. I also want to emphasize the importance of organizations like FMC. I cannot imagine what would have happened if FMC had not helped us. Perhaps I would still be missing my family and living in fear of deportation.” - Ramel

"I wanted to get in touch with my Filipino roots and support the community as much as I could. While volunteering with children through seniors in FMC's programs I learned that the spirit of 'bayanihan' is about connecting and empowering people no matter what age." - Cherlin O.

How Your Contribution Will Support Us

Your contributions through Long Beach Gives will help us to expand our services and programs at the community center in West Long Beach, including support for our worker leadership program and expanding our health programming to include a community pantry and ongoing education.


Giving Activity


We will work for an empowered Filipino community actively engaged in the movement for local and global justice. We aim to educate, organize and mobilize the low-income and working-class families of the Filipino community in Southern California and address the issues and concerns that we face in our daily lives.

Organization Data


Organization name

Fillipino Migrant Center

other names


Tax id (EIN)


Operating Budget

Large ($1,000,000+)

Mission Category

Social Justice, Social Services

City Council District

District 7


1631 W. Burnett St.

Service areas

Long Beach, CA, US, 90810

Long Beach, CA, US

Los Angeles, CA, US

San Diego, CA, US



Social Media