Organization name
Harbor Interfaith Services, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Operating Budget
Large ($1,000,000+)
Mission Category
Housing & Homelessness, Social Services
670 W. 9th StreetSan Pedro, CA 90731
Harbor Interfaith is the County of Los Angeles, official Lead Service Provider of homeless services for Service Planning Area 8, which includes Long Beach. We have two housing facilities in Long Beach, located at Century Villages at Cabrillo. This site houses the most vulnerable Long Beach homeless population, taken directly from what the the City of Long Beach has deemed the top homeless list. Additionally, Harbor Interfaith provides support to the youth ages 18-24 experiencing homelessness and attending Long Beach City College or Cal State Long Beach. The funds requested will be used to support the agency efforts, empowering the homeless and working poor throughout the City of Long Beach to reach their full potential. Wrap-around services will include case management, housing search and placement, food, job development and search and supportive services towards reaching their education goals.
Our client Adele's story is one that is becoming more common for older adults living on a fixed income. She was living in a small studio and paid $400 a month for rent. Adele had a great relationship with the owner and their staff. She took pride in her home, and she was admired by her neighbors. Unfortunately, the owners sold the building on short notice, and Adele was asked to leave. With nowhere to live and a limited income, she began staying with friends. She went from one house to another until her friends could no longer help.
Exhausting all of her resources, Adele ended up living in a tent on the streets. Adele and family had no choice but to remain together in a tent for safety, each person taking turns to stay awake for protection. This is a situation she never dreamt of being in, while things continued going further downhill. One day, she was approached by the police, who asked her if she was new to the area since they hadn't seen her before. They reached out to Harbor Interfaith, and an outreach worker contacted her the same day.
After being homeless for 3 years, Adele was connected to permanent housing with Century Villages at Cabrillo, managed by Harbor Interfaith. She loves her new home, and she shared that she no longer has to worry about where she's going to lay her head at night, feeling unsafe, dragging her suitcases around and losing important personal items. She added that even though it's just a room, (common areas are shared) it's her room and she's very grateful.
The mission of Harbor Interfaith Services is to empower the homeless and working poor to achieve self-sufficiency by providing support services including shelter, transitional housing, food, job placement, advocacy, childcare, education, and life-skills training.
Organization name
Harbor Interfaith Services, Inc.
Tax id (EIN)
Operating Budget
Large ($1,000,000+)
Mission Category
Housing & Homelessness, Social Services
670 W. 9th Street