Sowing Seeds of Change

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal

Our Urban Farm centers on offering Agricultural Education and Vocational Training to young adults with disabilities and transition age foster youth while engaging our local community as key stakeholders in the growth and wellbeing of our participants. Our Sustainable Agriculture Program provides vocational training in the concepts and practices of organic gardening and small scale farming that include crop production; organic flower farming; greenhouse care and nursery operation. Through these programs, we aim to create a healthier, more equitable food system in Long Beach and beyond by providing affordable access to fresh organic produce, facilitating youth leadership and entrepreneurialism in health and nutrition education, and connecting urban communities to workshops and classes, farm stands, markets that promote sustainable agriculture.
Our organization is founded and operated by Lindsay Smith and Dina Feldman.
Lindsay is a graduate from CSULB with 10 years experience as a special education teacher in Long Beach Unified School District. Her love for gardening and sustainability inspired her to develop a recycling program, food rescue, gardening and cooking club at her school. Lindsay has a certificate in ecological horticulture from UC Santa Cruz' Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems. Lindsay is a recent alum from the Leadership Long Beach Institute program where she led a community project to provide education and access to freshly grown food in North Long Beach. The project included building 9 raised garden beds at various heights so that they are accessible to people of all abilities. In addition, she is an urban beekeeper, local garden manager, chef, and member of several community organizations. All of this experience has led to fulfilling a lifelong dream of founding Sowing Seeds of Change.
Dina is an immigrant from Mexico, a graduate of UCLA, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) turned entrepreneur and community builder. Dina is the owner and founder of Feel Good Salsa and Feel Good Salsa Kitchen in Long Beach,CA. Her love for cooking led her to leaving her career of over 20 years and starting her farmers market business in November of 2018. After experiencing a myriad struggles and challenges with securing a commercial kitchen for her business, she was inspired to help other businesses. This led her to starting the first shared commercial kitchen facility in Long Beach, Feel Good Salsa Kitchen, where she helps other small food pop-ups grow their food businesses. Now, her passion for supporting her community has led her to co-founding Sowing Seeds Of Change Urban Farm, where she can use her entrepreneurial spirit and network of connections, as well as her skills as a BCBA to enrich the lives of Sowing Seeds of Change participants.


Coming soon


Sowing Seeds of Change has a mission to empower our participants to engage in a local food system that encourages healthy living, nurtures the environment and grows a sustainable community through vocational training, youth entrepreneurship, and leadership opportunities. Our primary objectives are to employ transition-age people with disabilities and foster youth through a urban agricultural vocational program, grow organic produce, and host educational workshops for our neighboring community.

Organization Data


Organization name

Sowing Seeds of Change

Operating Budget

Small ($0 - $99,999)

Mission Category

Individuals with Special Needs, Food Security

City Council District

District 1


620 San Francisco Ave.
Long Beach, CA 90803

Service areas

Long Beach, CA, US



Social Media