WomenShelter of Long Beach

A nonprofit organization

WomenShelter serves the Long Beach community by providing life-saving services to victims and survivors of domestic violence and their families. Prevention education programs for youth, outreach presentations, and awareness raising events are additional ways we work toward empowering the community and eliminating domestic violence.


"WomenShelter of Long Beach has been like my home, like my family. Everyone has provided me with support with my family. The center has provided me with clothes and food. They also offered me legal assistance. Thanks to the center, I was able to renew my green card."


The mission of WSLB is to eliminate domestic violence through compassionate intervention, education and personal empowerment.

Want to change this generation? Become an "AGENT OF CHANGE" by preventing OUR youth: middle/high school students, from going through teen dating violence. Our "Healthy Relationships" presentations are part of this crucial PREVENTION WORK . They learn about green and red flags in relationships as well as way to break the cycle of violence so they have brighter futures.

Organization Data


Organization name

WomenShelter of Long Beach

Tax id (EIN)


Operating Budget

Large ($1,000,000+)

Mission Category

Children, Youth, & Family, Social Services

City Council District

District 5


4201 Long Beach Blvd Suite 102
Long Beach, CA 90807

