K9 Kismet Dog Rescue

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal

K9 Kismet is a grassroots non-profit organization committed to helping homeless dogs in Long Beach, CA and surrounding cities. We keep our numbers low, with the intentionality of having a personal relationship with each dog that comes into our care. We maintain this by limiting the number of dogs in our foster program at any given time as to ensure every member of our pack receives the best all-around care. We increase our community impact through our outreach programs and partnerships with other animal welfare organizations. 

Our primary mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and find loving, permanent homes for homeless dogs in our community; primarily at-risk shelter dogs and dogs whose owners can no longer care for them. We believe in compassionate rescues where we know the dog is on borrowed time and likely to be overlooked or deemed less adoptable due to age, health, emotional state, or breed. We ensure all animals we take into our rescue, regardless of individual needs, are cared for with love and compassion.

K9 Kismet is a 100% volunteer-run, foster-based organization which means every dollar donated to our rescue goes directly to a dog in need. Donations provide funds for everything from lifesaving surgeries to name tags. Every dollar has a purpose and is put to work for the dogs we serve. 


Long Beach community member testimonial: I feel like I can’t thank K9Kismet enough. Back in February, a friend and I found a stray dog at a Bible study and were finally able to capture her, so I brought her home. I was in no position to care for her long-term, but I could house her temporarily to keep her out of the shelter. I reached out to K9 Kismet, and they were able to help me get her spayed and vaccinated. They helped me provide her food through their Amigo’s program. They gave me leashes and collars. They helped me network her and even find temporary fostering. It wasn’t just about the dog either; they would check on me to ask if I was okay as well, which meant a lot to me because I often feel like rescues care more about the welfare of the animals than the people caring for them. Anyway, they were there with me through the whole process and even helped me land my foster dog a forever home. So, I truly can’t thank them enough. -allfornoel

Adopter testimonial: I found my sweet baby Kylo through this organization and I have nothing but amazing things to say about them! I was originally his foster, and K9 Kismet was available around the clock for any questions or concerns I had. When I decided to adopt him, they made the adoption process so easy and simple. They care so deeply about every single dog that is in their care, and I could not be happier to have found my pup through them! -lmysior

Volunteer testimonial: They are always ready to try to help with senior or sick dogs that wind up at the pound. They have a community program where they offer help to families who need some medical for their dogs but still want to keep them. They find wonderful fosters and stay in constant touch with them, proving all food and medical and bedding and anything they might need. They are quite honestly the best rescue I've ever worked with in the past 30 years of working in that world. -deedog

Peer testimonial- K9 Kismet is one of the most ethical and inclusive nonprofits I have worked with. They always approach others with empathy and respect and are impeccable in the work they do with animals and in the community. With every act and interaction, K9 Kismet brings passion and excellence to each endeavor. I can’t recommend them highly enough. - lvena


Our primary mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and find loving, permanent homes for homeless dogs in our community; primarily at-risk shelter dogs and dogs whose owners can no longer care for them. We believe in compassionate rescues where we know the dog is on borrowed time and likely to be overlooked or deemed less adoptable due to age, health, emotional state, or breed. We ensure all animals we take into our rescue, regardless of individual needs, are cared for with love and compassion.

Our secondary mission is to help families in our community keep their beloved dogs by offering owners assistance with food, medical care, and other supplies. These dogs become K9 Kismet Amigos. The help we provide to our Amigos comes with no strings attached and is completely reliant on the tax deductible donations from supporters like you.

Organization Data


Organization name

K9 Kismet Dog Rescue

Tax id (EIN)


Operating Budget

Medium ($100,000 - $999,999)

Mission Category

Animal Care & Welfare


6285 E. Spring St. #312
Long Beach, CA 90808

Service areas

Long Beach, CA, US

Los Angeles, CA, US

Orange County, CA, US



Social Media