Charm, Nostalgia & Sense of Place
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
Bluff Park Neighborhood AssociationPlease join me in a vision to enhance the livability & walkability of our city. - Jeffrey Mallin
raised by 1 people
$3,000 goal
I still get chills when I walk or drive the streets of Paloma, Temple and Molino and admire how beautifully transformed and lit up they are.
Having started as an idea that was dismissed more than 30 years ago, the Bluff Park Historic Lamppost Project has ambitiously accomplished a lot in the last 9 years.
Bringing together from far and near residents, preservation leaders, city employees and elected officials. For me, it is has been the people I've met and the learning through hard work that bring me the most joy and pride.
Let's keep the momentum going! Thank you for reading this and for your support in this 100% volunteer-driven initiative.